Water and Charcoal and Hair September 28, 2012 anna karenina artistic interpretation charcoal sketching portraits + vague anna karenina artistic interpretation charcoal sketching portraits vague
Viscious Cycle Defeated? September 26, 2012 drawing practice inner critic range of values + sketching portraits drawing practice inner critic range of values sketching portraits
A Headache, a Remedy, a Quiz and a Contest September 24, 2012 graphitkeide headache imitrex Klimt period movies + sketching graphitkeide headache imitrex Klimt period movies sketching
A Quick Lesson Leaned September 21, 2012 charcoal paper texture pastel pencil + sketching portraits charcoal paper texture pastel pencil sketching portraits
Not too sure about the hair: OR the cross-eyed, metallic man! September 20, 2012 colored pencils lyra rembrandt + sketching portraits colored pencils lyra rembrandt sketching portraits
The Upside to Sjogren's Syndrome -- 100th Post September 17, 2012 farmer's limousine wedding +0 wedding cake farmer's limousine wedding wedding cake
In Between the Other Stuff September 08, 2012 coffee maker environmental waste +0 keurig coffee maker environmental waste keurig
Not too sure about the hair.... September 04, 2012 facial proportion sketching portraits + vintage portraiture facial proportion sketching portraits vintage portraiture