Revisit and Review. Soon.

I realize that I post a lot of drawings and paintings that I proclaim "unfinished," promising updates, and then they drop off the face of the earth. Most often, it's because I get distracted by another sketch/painting attempt, with high hopes that THIS one will come out better than the last, but often, it's because I went and fussed some more with the original piece, and, well...I should have left well-enough alone.
As soon as I have a concentrated bit of time, I'm going to revisit a couple of drawings and show the "finished" versions. Been busy at the farm for a few days, though, and out of computer touch. We're ready for sap season now--let it flow!
For the mean time, here are a couple of little watercolor sketches that I did this weekend between cleaning the sap house and other related Delhi Duties.
...and that's the very last scrap of watercolor paper in the old notebook.
