
OK! Once again, I've reached the end of Kismet, editing as I go along for the...fifth or such time. Unfortunately, it still isn't the classic interpretation of a romance, with the girl and the guy protagonists falling madly in love and supplying us with a sex scene or two. The sex scene involves the antagonist and the protagonist's fiance, which is probably enough to knock it out of the cue as ever being published by any current publisher, even the sub-acceptable kinds. 

So I am signed up to take the "How to E-pub Yourself" course, starting in March.

Because try as I might, I just cannot make this story work any other way. But maybe I'll keep trying, along with: Making promotional materials for next year's elective offerings, hand-sewing the binding on the quilt, going through my piles of magazines and filing the pertinent ones and recycling the rest, designing the "Advanced Designation in the Arts" brochure for the school board, and doing anything non-related to that, this week. Like getting more serious about the play I'm stage managing--Eleanor: The Musical.
